Aug 29, 2012

In Case You Missed It @"THE ROCK" Church

Check The Rock Church in Birmingham Out

Tuesday Night Bible Study Notes

Don't Miss The Good Part 
Luke 10:38-42

Pastor Mike McClure Jr. Spoke A WORD last night! So Glad I was there to here this message! 

Imagine Me~Kirk Franklin

"Imagine Me, Being Free, Trusting You Totally"

Aug 22, 2012

Sharpening One Another

Proverbs 27:17
"As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend"
I got a call from a good friend of mine last night. Me and this guy have been training and working towards our dreams together the past 3 years. Every summer we have got together and put in countless productive hours in gym. We have grown closer and it's become easy to talk about life and other things together. I'm thankful to have him as my true brother. He gives me advice on certain things and I give him advice on certain things. Last night he called me and we talked about relationships, basketball, life, etc... The moment the conversation became so REAL was when he told me "Jaz, Like I'm really working on my life with God now, he has humbled me so much and Im really trying to change. I've given it all over to him, like forreal". The moment he said those words, I was instantly inspired! Here is this 23 year old guy telling me he's becoming serious about his faith and walk with Christ. We talked about how EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON. I learned so much from that conversation last night, so much that I needed to hear and be reminded of. That's INSPIRATION. He told me about a website called which have daily devotions on it. The one that was posted for yesterday was "Sharpening One Another". After that conversation, I truly felt like he had just sharpened me back into the reality of things. Lately, I know I've slacked on my walk with Christ. He inspired me to get back on it! I'm just thankful for good people like him in my corner that really care about me, believe in me, inspire me, & sharpen me to become a better person. I know I'm not perfect and I struggle, but who doesn't. We all are humans and we all are at war with life. The thing that we have to remember is that God Still LOVES us. He loves us unconditionally and if we just give it all to him(our weaknesses, disappointments, hurts, pain, struggles) if we just give those things over to him and truly believe in him, then he will change us for the BETTER! Working Progress. 
KEY POINTS from this Sharing
  • Trust & Belive that God Allows Everything To Happen For A Reason! Try to Look at Everything that happens as a Win for something Better to Happen Later
  • Nobody is Perfect, We All Will Struggle With Various Things, We All Will Experience Disappointment, Hurt, & Pain
  • Remember That During Those Times, If We Give It All Over To Him, Trust & Belive In Him, Then He Can Change Us For The Better
  • It Requires Effort To Work On Our Relationships With God. We including Myself GOT TO STOP Being Lazy. Prayer and getting into the Word Daily is A Must
  • Sharpening One Another ~ Hold your friends accountable. Help Someone Else!


2 Samuel 12:13-14

Forgive me Lord for my Sins, Renew My Mind & Change Me From Inside, Out! Thank You For Your Grace and Help Make Me Better Everyday. Amen

Aug 18, 2012

Falling Down

In Many Cases Falling Down is just a part of growing up. But eventually we should be able to stand and then walk, and the run for the Lord. God will help us up, if "Up" is where we really want to be.

Aug 16, 2012

Pretend Love

No one likes a fake smile because of the insincerity behind it. Nor does anyone like false love from a person. Love is such profound affection that it should not be artificial. If you don’t have genuine concern for someone then pray for God to soften your heart towards them.

Great Song!! Check It Out

Charles Jenkins~ Awesome
"My God Is Awesome, Heals Me When I'm Broken, Strength Where I Been Weakened, Forever He Will Reign!"

Aug 14, 2012

The Serenity Prayer

God, Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The Things I Cannot Change; Courage To Change The Things I Can; & Wisdom To Know The Difference

Aug 13, 2012



Struggle: 1)Strenuous effort; striving 2)To be strenuously engaged with a problem, task, or undertaking 3)To Battle, To Fight..

Yea I'm NOT perfect. I struggle Daily with various things, BUT at the end of the day..I know My God Still Loves Me! I'm striving to become better, overall as a woman. With Prayer, Effort, Commitment & most importantly FAITH, I know with time progression will continue to come! I'm a Working Progress. Thank You Lord for being patient with me!


Something To Think About

Don't be afraid to think about someone other than yourself sometimes. Learn to give away some of what has been given to you: money, LOVE, forgiveness, TIME, long-suffering, RESPECT, joy, COMFORT, peace, A SMILE......

Thought this was something great to share that I got from a great friend of mine.

Aug 8, 2012

Allyson Felix First American Woman To Win The 200m Gold since 1992

It was a JOY watching Allyson Felix reach her DREAM of Winning GOLD tonight!! INSPIRATION!!

Roman 12:1 Message

So here's what I want you to do, God helping you:
Take your everyday, ordinary life--your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, & walking around life--and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.!

I got this post from my brother via twitter. This brings everything in clear perspective! Now a days, it's so easy to let our culture and things around us easily influence us. We sometimes can get so comfortable with that lifestyle that it becomes hard to recognize when we are even doing something wrong. Take a step back and really think about this. 
Some Days Are Tougher Than Others.... But Everyday Is A Blessing!

Aug 7, 2012

Kirk Franklin
If you are alive and reading this, you should be Smiling! God has you here for a reason! Count Your Blessings and Smile 
"You Look So Much Better When You Smile, So Smile"

Aug 6, 2012

Ask Him

Everyone has dreams and goals they want to pursue and chase! My dream after college was to play professional basketball overseas. I knew it would be hard but I was determined to do all I could to reach it. I started training with a guy who played in the NBA, got my film together, and made contact with several people who had connections. The MAJOR thing I also did was pray that God would put me on the path he wanted me to be on instead of my own desired path! I prayed that every single night! Few weeks into the summer, my knee started popping and I found out I needed to have surgery on it. Within the same week, I got offered an assistant coaching position at Samford University! Coaching basketball on the collegiate level was my 2nd goal/dream! God is good and this verse just brought me back to my story! If I could offer any advice, it's to pray that God puts you on his path that he wants you on! If you trust him, He will definitely show you the way!
Thankful & Blessed
I ran upon this interview today after work while I was flipping through channels on my t.v. VERY INSPIRING & TOUCHING interview and testimonies from Steve Harvey & Kirk Franklin. If you have time sit back and watch this!!!! 

New Week, Harder Grind!

G R I N D- 1) Your Hustle. 2) Good Work Ethic Doing What You Do. 
Everyday is Grind! Most athletes grind at whatever sport they play. They lift weights, run sprints, run miles, eat healthy, practice, workout countless number of times, etc. .  They are determined to get better so they "GRIND" hard everyday! Well I'm learning you don't have to be an athlete to be on your grind. 

Grind at whatever you do & do it to your best ability. Want to become better not just at what you do but overall as a person! How do you become a better person?? Be on your GRIND for the Lord! Get in your bible more, go to bible studies, pray harder, think positive thoughts, have praise & worship by yourself, etc... Basically what I'm trying to say is, Grind to grow in your relationship with God in order to become a better person!


Aug 4, 2012


Have you encountered a snag in your life in your life?.. a lost relationship, rejection from a school or job, financial hardship or maybe simply a lack of determination. You might be praying for God to give you the strength to get back on your feet. But do you know how powerful God is?? Instead of limiting your rescue to a level you understand, have faith & believe that God has a plan beyond returning you to ground zero. Through God, you have the capability to excel way beyond your limits. Jot down a goal that you think is impossible then watch God's plan unfold.

Aug 3, 2012

Gabrielle Douglas Makes History with Gymnastics All-Around Gold Medal

I hope you guys didn't miss out on watching "Gabby" compete and win the Gymnastics All-Around Gold Medal!! This was the most Inspirational thing I've seen in a long time! I was almost in tears watching. Making history as the 1st African-American female to win Gymnastics All-Around at the age of 16 not only has given inspiration & hope to younger girls in the world but also to women like myself!! One thing I really admired about Gabby besides her performance was her overall demeanor after winning. She was very calm, poised, & humble. During her interview after winning, she was sure to give Glory to God 1st for all of her accomplishments! I LOVED IT! Not only did Gabby DESTROY the competition, but she is literally the most refreshing story of the London Olympics. She carries herself like STAR. 10 years from now, anyone who hears the name "Gabby" around the Olympics will think back to these amazing couple of days and break into a huge smile!
Such an Inspiration!! GO GABBY!!!!! 

Aug 2, 2012

Keep On Asking

The Power of persistent prayer is incredible. Strength rises up in your voice as you continuously seek God's answer to your prayers. He will always answer, no doubt about that. Either through fulfillment of your prayer, a firm No, or even by guiding your heart in a different direction causing you to no longer seek answer to that prayer. Go ahead, pray a specific prayer daily!

"Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that's real power." 
        - Clint Eastwood

Another Day, Another Opportunity!! Tell God Thank You!

Aug 1, 2012

"I Will Wait For You"

This is The REALEST, DEEPEST Poem I've Ever Heard!!! WOW!! So Much Inspiration, Encouragement, & Truth!
"I Will Be The One, Drenched in Proverbs 31...Waiting For You"
"We Even Speak The Same Math, Which Is 1+1+1= 3, but Really Equals 1 if you add Him"
Trust me you will want to watch it over & over! Enjoy
Well Said By Our President! 
"how we choose to treat one another and how we love one another"
Jonathan Nelson

1 of my favorite songs! Hope you all love this one as much as I do!
Here’s my worship
Take joy in it
Make it Your dwelling place
I wanna put a smile on Your face
I present my heart to You
I present my life to You

Here’s my worship smile
Here’s my life Lord smile

My Light

Jesus replied, "My light will shine for you just a little longer. Walk in the light while you can, so the darkness will not overtake you. Those who walk in the darkness cannot see where they are going"
-John 12:35

Are you surrounding yourself with darkness or light? What kinds of influences do you open yourself up to? Even small decisions such as tv shows, music, and the language out of our mouths bring about either darkness or light. Shine light into your life so that you don't stumble along the way.

Devotions by JCTROIS(Devotion App)

New Day, New Joy

New Day, New Month, New Joy!! Let's Be Thankful For Today and Make It A Great One!!!!!