Apr 14, 2016

Pastor Jamil Gilleylen- Woodlawn Campus- Church of the Highlands

This Post BLESSED My Life! 
Please take some time to read below. 

Before you possess your biggest promise, you will often encounter your toughest challenge. Many times, we have great expectations for what God is going to do and for what He has promised, but as we wait for His promise to be fulfilled, all we can see are the challenges we are currently facing. 

The Israelites found themselves in this very situation, facing a long, difficult 40 years of wandering in the wilderness while knowing God had promised they would live in the Promised Land. Moses gave the Israelites great instruction that we all can learn from when preparing to overcome life’s toughest challenges in pursuit of God’s promises. 

He said in Deuteronomy 11:22, “…to love the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to Him and to hold fast to Him.” The three keys that will keep us moving through our problems and allow us to see the fulfillment of the promises of God are Loving, Walking and Holding

I want to encourage you that no matter what challenge you are facing today, growing in your love for God and choosing to Love those around you, even those who may be difficult to love, will strengthen you and help you persevere. Additionally, you need the support and encouragement of others in the midst of trial, so be sure to Walk through your difficulty in community. 

The Israelites made it through their toughest challenges together. This is why I love our small groups here at Highlands - they provide you with a place to connect with others who will pray for you and encourage you as you progress through your problems and into God’s promises. 

Lastly, Hold on to the promise. Remind yourself that no promise from God will ever fail. The Word says: blessed are those who believe that the Lord will fulfill His promises to them! 

What promises are you believing for God to fulfill?

Which people are you surrounding yourself with who will help you endure until you see that promise fulfilled?

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