Oct 28, 2012

Planetshakers~ Hallelujah

This song Blessed Me Today at Church!!! 
Hallelujah- a shout of joy, praise, or gratitude. 
An Expression of Worship or Rejoicing!!


Oct 18, 2012

In Case You Missed It (Week of 10/14/2012)

Check It OUT!!! The Rock Church Birmingham, Al! Pastor Mike McClure Jr.
"The Struggle Truly Begins Not When People Surround Us, But When They Forsake Us, Then We Begin To Discover Our Own Identity & Self-Worth"

Oct 17, 2012

Grown & Alone! Bible Study Notes 10/16

This word was so powerful last night! I'm hoping they will put the video up so I'll be able to post it! For now, here are my notes! This message also deals with the Prodigal Son Story Luke 15:14-19

 Key Points!!!
*Never Invite UNNECESSARY DRAMA into your life!! The Prodigal son chose to leave home and go to a Distant Land. He chose to spend all he had on wild living. He suffered from emptiness, destitute, hunger, loneliness, etc. because he chose to leave home. All of that pain and suffering, he brought upon himself which was unnecessary. 

**God Makes NO MISTAKES! Everything happens for a reason! This includes when people you love and care about hurt you or leave you. Maybe those people aren't in your life for a REASON!

***Never Just Settle! Never allow the devil to trick you into thinking you're not worthy! Jesus Blood Covers All our Sins! We can ALWAYS Go To God JUST AS WE ARE!

Thankful to See 23!

Yesterday I was fortunate enough to celebrate my 23rd Birthday! 1st Let me say, I had a GREAT BIRTHDAY! This year, my birthday was so different for me mainly because this is the first year I'm really out in the "real world" and on my own. Thank Goodness I was off from work. I got to sleep in(major Plus) and just relax all day! When I say I enjoyed every minuet of it smh I mean it! 
Being on your own brings disadvantages as well as advantages. Of course you have days where you might feel "lonely" but you also have days where you just enjoy your independence. I'm going through the process and I'm embracing every minuet. I've realize sometimes God allows us to go through seasons like this in order for us to cling closer to him. I once saw a quote that said "Isolation, though hard to embrace, can bring along reevaluation". I think that is so true. Yesterday while I lounged around my apartment the majority of the day, I had time to reflect and reevaluate things in my life. This was a major plus as well because sometimes you can get so busy with "life" "work" that you don't have anytime to yourself. I decided to go to Bible study yesterday as well and heard a great Word! The message was titled "Grown and Alone" (how relevant right?) lol I'm so glad I was there to hear it. I'll put my notes up from the service so be on the look out for that! I also had a good friend of mine come and take me to dinner. I had a great time with him. Overall my birthday was Wonderful and I'm just so thankful for the process God is allowing me to go through in order to continue to Grow in every area of my life. 

Oct 15, 2012


A Great Friend of Mine sent me these notes from a service he heard recently! I'm so glad he did because it's just what I needed! Hopefully this can help you, like it did me.

He Said Whatever! Psalm 1:1-3

Here are my notes from Sunday's service!

Oct 10, 2012

Bible Study Notes Luke 15:12-14

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Here are my notes from Bible Study Yesterday. Take some time out & go over the verses and look through the notes. God Bless!

Ready or Not, It's YOUR TIME! Be You

click to make Notes larger

These are my notes from Sunday Service at The Rock Church here in Birmingham, Al 35209 . Take some time and look over them and go to the bible verses! It was a POWERFUL word!

Be Content

This was one of my devotions one morning. The message said: 
Could you learn to be content without a new car, iphone, or house? If we let them, our desires begin to control us with a never ending that can't be quenched. It is a daily struggle to consistently trust that God will provide for our needs as He has promised. We can learn to be content when we rely on God's promises daily. When you find yourself wanting something today, try practicing contentment with what you have.

This was something I really have to think back to every time I want something I don't necessarily need. Practicing contentment daily.