Dec 31, 2012



BNspired hopes Everyone had A Great Christmas!!! Take time to reflect on 2012 as well as set goals for 2013! HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE!!!!!

Dec 24, 2012

Good Word

‎"But what if in the middle of all of that joy, in the middle of my daughter lighting up, of my wife being surprised, of getting something good myself, what if in the middle of all of that, I’m reminded of Jesus’ words in Matthew 7 where He says, 'If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!' Now all of a sudden in that moment it’s more than a tree and presents. There’s something deeper, there’s something divine in the room. Or what if, as we’re sitting around the table and we’re eating great food and drinking great wine or sweet tea and we’re enjoying that moment together, what if instead of green bean casserole and smoked ham, I remember that the book of Ecclesiastes teaches me that good meal is practice for heaven? Now all of a sudden it goes well beyond turkey. Now all of a sudden it goes well beyond good wine. All these things are good in and of themselves, but the problem with the human soul has nothing to do with diet or morality. We are created deep things and we breathe superficial air. It’s like eating sugar constantly. You’re going to constantly be sick and never feel full despite the fact that you eat and eat and eat.

And listen, I’m young but I’m not naïve. I know some of you are going, 'That’s a really pretty postcard you just drew up there, pastor. But the truth is, my family, it’s going to be volatile. The truth is, people are only coming to my house because I love my mother. If I didn’t love my mother, I wouldn’t let those fools in my house.' Some of you know what I’m talking about, huh? Yeah, I get it. But can I be just very honest with you tonight? If ever the gospel of Jesus Christ makes sense, it’s at that table, where you can serve and love and encourage those who may have never done anything but harm you. Now the world would say, 'Let’s fight, let’s be angry, let’s pay back, let’s get in our jab,' but the gospel says, 'No no no, serve, love.' So we’ve got depth. All of a sudden we’ve got depth around something that was once volatile. Now we’ve got God lingering long after all the presents are open."

Dec 19, 2012

The Name - Mali Music

I came across this song tonight and it truly spoke to my heart & spirit. Powerful! I hope you all like it.

Status by Vashawn Mitchell

I Love This Song! I hope you all enjoy it as well!

My status is changing, there's no more decline

I'm on my way to better days.
My status is changing, there's no more decline
I'm on my way to better days.

AMEN To My Status Changing & Being On My WAY TO BETTER DAYS!

Value of A Real Friend

Provers 27:9
One of my Devotions this week stated:
"Friendship can be very powerful. Friends can encourage, inspire, & drive us to become better Christians. They can also provide soothing words in times of distress. If you feel you are lacking this connection with a friend, become intentional & reconnect or seek out a friend. Cultivate a relationship of trust by connecting on a regular basis. 

I'm Thankful for the few real friends God has put in my life. They help make me better everyday.
2 Thessalonians 3:13
This devotions states:
"Doing the good and right things can be hard and is not always easy. We must think clearly about the right reactions to have and the right actions to take. We must have courage to do good and bring light into others. If we aren't careful we can easily tire, so be mindful. Nevertheless, challenge yourself to do one good thing for someone else today. 

I think this devotion is very URGENT. I pray every night for a positive mindset throughout my day. I feel with a positive attitude and mindset, it's a little easier to do good things and the right things. Be positive so others can feed off your positive energy. Smile at someone throughout your day, who knows it might give them hope or make their day. Do something good for somebody, it's a great feeling.

Dec 13, 2012


I've Learned One of the BEST things you Could Ever Do In Life is Simply Forgive. Peace follows shortly after you do. No Matter how bad someone has hurt you in the past physically, mentally, or emotionally, please find strength to Forgive them and then Move On. Trust Me from personal experience, You'll definitely feel A LOT Better Afterwards. 

By the way it's essential to Growth! :-)

Dec 9, 2012

It's Possible!! Notes from Sunday Service @The Rock

This Word Really Blessed Me Today & I Pray It Blesses You The Same! It's from Pastor Mike McClure Jr @The Rock Downtown Birmingham, Al. Click To Make Photo Larger!


This song got me SUPER hype this morning! S/O to these fellas

Dec 8, 2012

Seeking His Presence


Outside vs Inside

“…The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” 
1 Samuel 16:7

When the Lord looks at your heart, what does He see? Every one of us has an outer life and an inner life. The outer life is our public life that the people around us see. The inner life is made up of our thoughts, attitudes, and motives. Only you and God know what’s going on inside of you.

Too many people go around today pretending—acting one way, yet on the inside they’re thinking something totally different. Their heart and their actions don’t line up. But we have to understand that God is looking on the inside. We can fool a lot of people, but we can’t fool God. He would rather us be open and honest than go through life pretending.

Take inventory of what’s going on inside of you today. Are you at peace? Are you overlooking offenses? Do you believe the best in people? Do your heart and actions line up? If not, ask the Lord to give you an undivided heart. Be determined to stay true in your mind and your actions. Line up your whole being with His Word so that you can be pleasing to Him all the days of your life!

Found this great post on Tumblr from makingsofaproverbswoman


“In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths” 
Proverbs 3:6

Do you need direction in your life? Ask yourself, “Am I acknowledging God in all my ways?” In other words, is He first place in your life? All throughout the day, we should be acknowledging God, asking for His help, seeking His wisdom, obeying His commands and thanking Him for His goodness.

In the morning, we should wake up and say, “Father, thank You for another beautiful day. I commit this day, my plans and my future into Your hands.” When you start the day like this, you are acknowledging God. He promises to crown your day with success. When you are driving on the freeway say, “Father, thank You for keeping me safe.” At the office say, “Lord, help me to be focused and productive today.” At home, “Father, bless my children.” Before you go to bed, “Lord, thank You for a good night’s rest.” When you’re acknowledging Him in all your ways, He promises to direct your paths. He promises to lead and guide you into paths of peace, joy and everlasting life!

Found this great post on Tumblr from makingsofaproverbswoman

Always Remember

Food For Thought

Something I Pray For EveryNight

God I continue to ask you help mold me into the woman you've called me to be

Hearty Helper

1 Timothy 5:8
Is someone in your family in need of help? Sometimes it can be a challenge to step up and be that life saver. There can be a lot of emotional baggage that can spur hesitation. As Paul was teaching his son, Timothy, God is challenging us to do the same. Whether there's hesitation or immediate action, be sure to offer help with a full and sincere heart. 

This was also one of my daily devotions and it truly hit home with me. I Definitely felt convicted after reading it. I've learned it can be difficult trying to help a love one by giving them good advice and then seeing them not take heed to it. It's a challenge because what else can you do besides continue to pray for them. 

It Will Happen

Matthew 9:29
When you pray to God and ask Him to fulfill a need, are you merely asking? Is it possible you could pray with a different attitude? If you look back on all the prior times God has provided and blessed you, then when you pray your attitude will be as if He has already provided for your need. You see, faith is not merely asking for something and hoping it will happen, it is BELIEVING that God will provide a way!

This is from one of my daily devotions! Keep your faith!

Dec 4, 2012

I Got A Reason To Be Thankful! Notes from church

Click to Make Larger!

God is Truly The Mender of Broken Hearts

Psalms 147:3
When wounds heal, it's no longer visible to others. However, the memories and emotions remain. Without knowing, our words can sting a person's vulnerable spot where a wound was previously healed. We should try hard to always be mindful & encouraging. In other words, master the art of exhortation. So encourage others today & remember that God heals your wounds if you so accept. 

This was my devotion the other night. I'm a walking testimony that God is truly the mender of broken hearts! I'm forever grateful. Ever feeling extremely hurt & broken hearted, draw closer to Him.