Feb 21, 2013

7 Daily Exercises

FCA sends great daily devotions to my phone via email. I signed up to get these in 2010 and I think they are great! This particular one really stood out to me because I know I slack on these 7 things from time to time. 

1. Pray
2. Read the Bible
3. Encourage Someone Daily
4. Step Back & Look at the Big Picture
5. Remember Your Influence
6. Reflect
7. Praise God

Feb 20, 2013

Daily Inspiration!!!!

I get Inspirational quotes emailed to my phone daily and I think this is a great one!!!

Keep In Mind!

Soul Detox pt.3 Depression Bible Study

Here are notes on pt. 3 of the Soul Detox Bible Study Series by Pastor A.D. He really delivered a great word last night that I'm thankful I got to hear! If you have some free time click on this link and watch the bible study session and look on with the notes! http://www.ustream.tv/channel/all-nations-christian-center-huntsville-alabama?rmalang=en_US  
click on notes to make larger! 

Feb 14, 2013


Soul Detox pt. 2 Bible Study Notes

Here are notes from Pastor AD Bible Study this past Tuesday. If you would like to watch the bible study like I did just click on this link http://www.ustream.tv/channel/all-nations-christian-center-huntsville-alabama?rmalang=en_US 
Great Message on Toxic Words.
click to make Notes larger

Feb 11, 2013

Keep In Mind...

At Some Point We All Have To Start Being Thankful & Content. Daily progress.

SOUL DETOX Bible Study Notes

Here are the notes from Bible Study with Pastor AD! His new topic is Soul Detox and you catch his bible studies on Tuesday Nights at 7 online at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/all-nations-christian-center-huntsville-alabama?rmalang=en_US
click to make notes larger!

Feb 6, 2013

Be Strong!!

Instagram Inspiration

Superstitious Much??

This is a devotion from yesterday. It says "Do you look towards luck or superstition to have an impact on your circumstances? Don't you want more than a random chance of good fortune? God has a purpose in our lives & everything happens for a reason. It's always to draw your heart closer to Him. Work on uncrossing your fingers & instead say a prayer. There's more power in purpose than random chance"

I read this devotion & instantly felt convicted. I don't know about you all but being superstitious about stuff has always been a norm for me growing up. I promise every time my hand itches, I swear some money coming my way or how about when my left eye jumps, I was think something bad is going to happen or someone's going to make me mad. Every time I see a red bird, I always make a wish & think good luck is coming my way for sure & every time I see a blue bird I look the other way. Ever seen a black cat cross your car & turned around because it means bad luck? I have! How silly is that? (lol) Just how I grew up, but the GREAT NEWS is I'm working on my faith daily! I realize everything happens for a reason & I know God has a special plan for my life! Regardless of what happens, good or bad, my trust and faith is in God and his promises to me! You can't go wrong trusting Him!


I logged on FB yesterday and came across this Amazing Status!It's So Real I had To Share It On BNspired!

Beautiful Wise Words from my friend Kelsi Pickens

Bible Study Notes on Giving

Here are some Notes on Giving.
Luke 6:3838Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.
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