Mar 13, 2013

Andy Mineo - Bitter (2013)

Can't stop listening to this song! I can relate to a lot of what he's rapping about. Hope you guys enjoy

The Light

This was my devotion the other night. It says "Are you surrounding yourself with darkness or light? What kinds of influences do you open yourself up to? Even small decisions such as tv shows, music, and the language out of our mouths bring about either darkness or light. Shine light into your life so that you don't stumble along the way. 

This really hit me hard bc sometimes I know I get so caught up and distracted by tv shows, music, etc. I started praying asking God to help my distractions decrease. 

Mar 4, 2013

A Good Woman

Saw this post from Mary Mary's status on Facebook! Very Inspirational!
click to make larger

Slow Progress

1. a movement toward a goal or to a further or higher stage:; 
2. advancement in general.
3. growth or development; continuous improvement:

I came across this picture on IG one day & saved it in my phone. Everyone wants to progress at something in life. For athletes it might be getting better at a specific skill or overall as a team working towards a championship. Students want to progress in their school work. Parents should want to progress into better parents. We all love and desire personal relationships, do we not strive for progress in these relationships? Yes! I could go on and on, but the point I'm trying to make is that we all should be striving to progress in life. Growth in all areas of our lives should be important whether it's progressing in your career, physically into healthier lifestyles, financially in saving money, & so forth. The BIG question is, how many of us make it a priority to progress spiritually?? Is that not the #1 area we all should be striving to progress in? Slow progress in this area is better than no progress! I want to encourage you whoever took the time to read this long post to strive to progress in becoming closer to God. Invest in your personal relationship with him. I'm in the same boat as you are. I feel like I should farther along in my personal walk but I do know I'm much further along than I was before. Everyday I'm making an effort to continue this progression. It's not hard but it's something you have to DECIDE & WANT to do. Make time for him & progress will follow! 

Mar 3, 2013

Lecrae ft. Cam~ Desperate

I came across this song and could relate to it 100%. I've been at this point before. Great Song Enjoy

Soul Detox Pt.4 Restless Soul Bible Study Notes

Here are notes from Pastor AD recent bible study this past Tuesday. This bible study really blessed me so I hope it blesses you as well. Click on the link to watch the bible study
click on notes to make larger