I just feel the need to be transparent for a second. The past month, I've really been praying for God to renew my mind. I've continuously asked him to renew my mind daily and help me to stay in a positive mindset. I've asked for positive thoughts to overrule any negative thoughts throughout my day. It wasn't until today that I realized, my prayers have been answered.
I want to stress the importance of how being around positive people can really impact your life in a positive way. Last week, I was able to sit down with a fellow college classmate. We had an extremely positive conversation about finances, life, & inspiration. I left the conversation truly feeling refreshed & inspired.
I researched how your thoughts and emotions can not only dictate the type of day you'll have but really your entire life in general. I don't know but something really clicked for me. It was like a light bulb that I've desperately needed to come on, finally came on. I've learned & realized that we have complete control over our thoughts and our feelings. If you continuously dwell on negative things then guess what, negative things will continue to happen to you. Things will not get better at all. If you continue to focus on the good things that's happening in your life and simply be grateful, then guess what, even more good things will continue to happen. I've really learned that your emotions play a HUGE part in your life. It is so important to feel good as much as possible.
A month ago, negative thoughts were really consuming me. It caused me to feel scared, lonely, insecure, sad, etc.. I had no desire to work out at all. I even lost weight. I even put a good relationship that God blessed me with in jeopardy because of that. I knew something had to change and the change had to start with me and my mind. Things have became so much better for me. I prayed for clarity on a lot of things and today I received that clarity. I'm just thankful. I have so much motivation and desire for growth in all areas of my life. I've set up a true game plan for how I want to continue to grow in these areas starting today. I've put everything on paper and I'm so excited about it. I know God has even greater things in store for my future and I hope you know that for yourself as well. Speak It! Your words are so Powerful. I can't say negative thoughts never come anymore because I'm human. I can say that I don't allow myself to continuously dwell on them. I rather think about the things I'm grateful for instead. Never Stop Praying. Prayer Works & Remember Everything Stems From Faith! I want to leave you all with some of my favorite verses that gives me hope.
Philippians 3:12-14 Msg version
I'm not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don't get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I've got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I'm off and running, and I'm not turning back.