Life is A lot of work & can be very hard at times. What is it that gives us strength to continue when we're tired & burned out? INSPIRATION! Inspiration comes in many forms. BNspired sole hope is for you to leave this blog feeling so refreshed that you'll be able to spread the word in hopes of inspiring someone else!
Today along with an accountability partner, I started this 40 Day Journey to Discover My True Purpose. I'm excited! I will be sharing with you all via my blog, my experience!
"The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren is among the New York Times Best Sellers List. Have you discovered your True Purpose in Life yet? If not Join Us! Go grab a copy of this book!
Andy Mineo is a talented Christian rapper. He's very versatile and one of my favorite artists to listen to. You can download one of his best mixtapes right here for free!! Just click the link and give his music a shot. You will not be disappointed.
Ask Yourself This Question... "What Am I Speaking Over My Life"? Are you speaking Life over your circumstances? Are you speaking fear? Are you speaking frustration? Are you speaking doubt? Are you speaking negativity? Are you speaking EXCUSES?
Many of us fall victim to these things at some point. Some of us have a negative habit of speaking death instead of life over our circumstances without even knowing it. It's a habit. We may say things like "Man I just can't seem to do anything right, it's not going to happen, it'll never happen, I feel terrible, I'm broke, I'm going to fail, I Can't, etc..." Do these things sound familiar?
Many of us know that the power of life & death lie in the power of the tongue but do you really believe that?
BNspired to DO SOMETHING NEW! BNspired to Speak Life over yourself & your circumstances! Everyday I wake up, I'm making it a habit to Speak Life. I say things like "Today will be a Great, Productive, Positive Day. Today I will help someone in a great way. Today I am extremely blessed & favored. Today I will be productive. I Am Blessed, I am prosperous, I am beautiful. ETC..
Check out this AWESOME song called "Speak Life"!
Here are some affirmations you can start to speak over your life.
I was driving to work one rainy morning and while I was at a red light, I looked over and seen this. Inspiration is truly everywhere if we take a moment to notice. "If Not for Love Then Why?" A lot of things came to mind when I 1st seen this. Instantly I wanted to capture the moment, so I took a picture. I started thinking about the aspects of LOVE. I believe it's our sole purpose on this earth. Some may say "well if its not for love then its for the MONEY" lol I guess that really does depend on who you're asking but I would take LOVE over MONEY any day. True Real LOVE... Rare, but it's there.
BNspired to Love More. Love What You Do. Love The People Around You. Love Strangers. It's a million ways you can show love throughout your day, Do IT!
I'm pretty sure you have heard this before right? The only person in charge of your happiness is YOU! Paul said in Acts 26:2 "I think myself happy". Sounds like a good idea to me! Think more on positive thoughts that make you happy. This could include happy memories, doing things that make you happy, going places that make you happy, etc. See yourself being happy then begin to speak those things into existence. Go out & Make It Happen.
BNspired to CHOOSE HAPPINESS today over frustration, dissatisfaction, uncomfortable circumstances, excuses, loneliness, etc. CHOOSE to CREATE your OWN HAPPINESS.
I really believe the more you "Feel Good" the better your day will go as well as your life! The Secret is a very interesting documentary I watched back in 2013 about how your feelings, thoughts, & words really shape your life. I think it's a ton of truth to that. BNspired to focus more on things that make you FEEL GOOD! See how your life begins to change!
Do you have "The Rock" Church App Yet? If Not, What Are You Waiting On??? If you are ever in need of a good word thats very relatable & engaging download this app!! There are several sermons you can watch or listen too. BNspired!
These are my #2014verses! In all I do, I reflect on these 2 verses. Do you have a 2014 verse that really speaks to your life?
BNspired to find you a verse or 2 to really reflect on & believe in for your future. It's really awesome. I picked these 2 verses from Isaiah towards the end of 2013. Right around the time January 1st came around I seen this post from Joel Osteen as well as this Verse of the Day on my Bible app.