Mar 19, 2014

Gone Fishing!!! Bible Study Notes

Here Are My Notes From Bible Study Last Week That Really REALLY Blessed My Life. I Attend Bible Study At The Rock Church Here In Birmingham, Al. These Notes Are From Pastor Mike McClure Jr. 
If you would like me to send you these notes via email, Please don't hesitate to leave a comment under this post. I'd love to share them with you! 
Click To Make Notes Larger! 

Mar 18, 2014

Mar 10, 2014

7 DREAM KILLERS Sunday Notes

Here are some great notes I took at The Rock Church here in Birmingham, Al a couple weeks ago. Check them out. 
Click to make notes larger!

Mar 5, 2014

Day 28- It Takes Time

Day 28 Of "The Purpose Driven Life" was very comforting for me so I wanted to share with you all.
Rick Warren starts this chapter off by saying "There are NO shortcuts to maturity. Spiritual growth, just like physical growth, takes time. We often find ourselves worrying about how fast we grow, while God is mainly concerned with how strong we grow. He talks about how growth is a gradual process. This chapter really forced me into introspection. I've never been great at being patient. A lot of us can be tied to this "microwave generation" concept. 
Describing our fascination with instant gratification. As members of the microwave generation we have become so impatient, we find ourselves standing in front of the microwave tapping our foot yelling "Come on 15 seconds!"
 We are obsessed with speed. We want things to happen now. We want our perfect lasting relationship or marriage now. We want our dream job now. If you're an athlete, you may want all the playing time & championships now. We want the promotion now. We want the financial blessings now. We want the car, the house..Now. We want a sermon or an experience that will instantly solve our problems NOW. I have definitely caught myself in this state of mind. I've learned to embrace the process. In some situations, God has even forced me to wait, which I'm very thankful for now. I keep this note I wrote last year on my computer in my office as a daily reminder. 

Wondering Why Growth & Maturity Takes So Long?
*We Are Slow Learners- We often have to relearn a lesson over and over to really get it. We go back to our old patterns of behavior.
*We Have A Lot To Unlearn- We have tons of old habits, patterns, & practices which are usually bad, that need to be removed and replaced. This takes HardWork, Time, & Dedication.
*We Are Afraid To Humbly Face The Truth About Ourselves- We are scared of what we might discover if we honestly faced our character. 
*Growth Is Often Painful & Scary- There is no growth without change. There is no change without fear or loss. There is no loss with pain!
*Good Habits Take Time To Develop- Your character is the sum of your habits. Bad Habits are so easy to develop but GOOD habits take time. 

Embrace The Process! 
*Believe God Is Working In Your Life Even When You Don't Feel IT!
*Keep A Notebook or Journal Of Lessons Learned- I just type everything in my "Notes" app on my phone. It's always with you & easy to do, if you don't like writing.
*Be Patient With God & With Yourself- God's timetable is rarely the same as ours. 
*Don't Get Discouraged!- Habakkuk 2:3 This vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed.

Pastor AD Daily Inspiration

Here's Some Daily Inspiration from Pastor Adrian Davis! 

You Are Good!

I woke up this morning with this song on my heart. If you haven't already, Bnspired to check out Tye Tribbett's latest album "Greater Than". Honestly, it's an amazing album. Check out this song & reflect on your life. Hasn't God been GOOD to you? Have you told him or thanked him? Despite our circumstances, He's still good to all of us. 
Romans 8:28 "And we know that God causes everything to work together  for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them."