May 29, 2014

Denzel Washington On Dreams & Goals

Ran across this video this morning and had to share!!
Denzel Had Me Super HYPE Watching This. 

"True Desire In The Heart For Anything Good, Is God's Proof To You Sent Beforehand To Indicate That It's Yours Already" 

"Dreams Without Goals, Remain Just Dreams, & Ultimately Fuel Disappointment"

"Goals On The Road To Achievement Can NOT Be Achieved Without Discipline & Consistency"

"Put Your Shoes Way Under Your Bed At Night So That In The Morning, You Have To Get Down On Your Knees To Find Them. While You're Down There, Thank God For Grace & Mercy & Understanding WE ALL Fall Short of The Glory" 

"If You Just Start Thinking Of All The Things You Got To Say Thank You For, That's A Day!

"We All Have That Unique Gift To Go Out & Touch People, To Affect People"

"Utilize That Gift, Treasure That Gift"

"You'll Never See A U-Haul Behind A Hurse!"

"It's Not How Much You Have, It's What You Do With What You Have"

May 28, 2014

Unspoken- "Who You Are"

I was heading to bible study yesterday and heard this song on the radio. It really inspired me.
Check It Out!
I know that look you're giving, 
Like you've got something to prove
'Cause I have walked for miles and miles
In that same pair of shoes

You refuse forgiveness 
Like it's something to be earned
Sometimes pain's the only way that we can learn

You can never fall too hard, 
So fast, so far 
That you can't get back
When you're lost

Where you are is never too late, 
So bad, so much 
That you can't change 
Who you are, ooo-oooh 
You can change who you are, ooo-oooh 

Maya Angelou

One of The Most Inspirational Women In The World, Maya Angelou
One of my dreams was to be able to meet you one day or at least hear you speak. One night, your wisdom, inspiration, & words literally kept me up into the wee hours of morning. You inspire me so much and I'm thankful your legacy will continue on forever. 
Rest In Peace

"I'm Just Trying To Be A Rainbow In Someone Else's Cloud"

May 20, 2014

Press Past The Mountain

Read this from Joel Osteen this morning and felt it was speaking right to me. I have a few mountains/disappointments I've been facing for awhile now. Although it's easier said than done to just move past them, with the right mentality as well as Faith in God, I know I can. I thank God for answering my prayers and speaking to me when I need to hear him. I hope this post can inspire you to move past your mountain or mountains you may be facing as well. 

The prayer at the end of this reads:
Father, thank You for Your grace and mercy on my life. Thank You for empowering me to overcome every obstacle and press past every mountain. I look to You to lead and guide me into victory in every area of my life in Jesus' name. Amen!
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Pastor AD Daily Inspiration

I was sitting at my desk yesterday morning when this text came through. It literally punched me dead in my gut! We all have pity parties right? I'm not ashamed to say I've been throwing one for myself the past couple weeks. I know it's time to let it go. With so much in store for my future, Pastor AD is 100% right... My time is to valuable to waste. BNspired to realize the same! If you haven't heard of Pastor AD (Adrian Davis) just google him. He's doing some great things in Huntsville, Al as well all over.  

May 19, 2014

How To Get Up Early

Came across this article this morning and decided to share. I'm not a morning person at all but 2 months ago, I decided to make a change and get up earlier. Some mornings it's still a struggle for me and I find myself "Snoozing" an extra 15 minuets or so. I'm glad I seen this post today. One thing is for sure, I need to start putting my alarm/phone across the room before I go to sleep lol. 
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May 15, 2014


Psalms 37:4! 
These past few days, 1 of my best friends & I have been talking about various things that have been on our hearts. She told me her older cousin always tell her that "God Will Give Her The Desires Of Her Heart" so of course she was telling me the same thing. I agreed with her but my main point to her was that it has to be something God desires for me as well. It has to be in his will for my life. Anyway I've been thinking a lot about that conversation. Today I seen someone post this verse on twitter and it really inspired me. This verse basically tells us exactly what we need to do. Take a high degree of pleasure in the Lord. I'm definitely inspired for the day. 


a high degree of pleasure or enjoyment; joy;

May 12, 2014

Mother's Day

I hope everyone enjoyed their Mother's Day weekend! I'm so GRATEFUL for my mom & all she has sacrificed for our family. I've learned so much from her & I definitely wouldn't be who I am today without her. 
I was watching ESPN this morning, seen this special tribute they did, & wanted to share a small part of it with you all. It really touched me! Click on the link below & start the video at 3:30secs. 

Daily Inspiration

Pastor AD Daily Messages Are Always Right On Time For Me! 

I'm Not Finished Yet~ Notes

Here Are Some Notes From Pastor Mike McClure Jr. at The Rock Church Here In Birmingham, Al. This word was right on time for me a couple weeks ago so I wanted to share it with you all! 
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