Jun 30, 2014

Smart Advice From One The Greats

Found this on Coach George Raveling website. Ton of great inspiration and wisdom on there. Check it out at 

Jun 29, 2014

Sunday Notes!!

Was Very Very Blessed by a Great Word at The Rock Church here in Birmingham, Al by Pastor Darius McClure. Here are my notes and I hope they bless you as well. 
click on notes to make larger!

Facebook Inspiration

Seen this on Facebook and was really inspired by it. 
"What looks Good doesn't Mean It's God...But What Is God is Always Good" 
Wise Words!

Today's Devotion "Path To Take"

I woke up to this inspiration this morning and it has really been on my mind all day. The entire devotion reads :Usually we reserve the big decisions for God to throw in His two cents, such as job options, marriage partner, and moving possibilities. Yet we are quick to make "smaller" decisions without giving any thought to God's will. Where we spend our time, who we spend it with, and the words we say are decisions we make daily, but don't think twice about inviting God into the process. It's quite possible these smaller decisions which make a greater impact on our lives when we ask God to show us His will. The next time you make decision, invite God. 

This really hit home with me. We've all heard the saying "It's the little things that make the life Big" right? After I read this devotion, I immediately thought about that saying. BNspired to do the "Little Things" for God and watch him show up in Big ways for you. Invite him into your smaller decisions you make daily. This is definitely something I'm going to try to do more of.

Jun 25, 2014

Jun 19, 2014

Being Happy

Instagram Inspiration
Seen this post yesterday & was really inspired! The caption read:
Numbers 6:25-26 "May the  lord  smile on you and be gracious to you. May the  lord  show you his favor and give you his peace.’'
 Those words are a Hebrew idiom for the favor of God on a person's life, asking God to smile on His children. So today, remember that you are loved by God, and that He is pleased to be gracious to you and to shine His face upon you. 

BNspired to choose Happiness today. You are in charge of how your day goes. Make it Great!

Jun 12, 2014


On my way to work this morning, I caught the end of this song on the radio. I quickly searched it on youtube and played it from the beginning & literally was almost in tears. I don't believe it was a coincidence I heard this song this morning at all. It spoke directly to me. It also gave me hope and inspiration. I hope it does the same for you.

Jun 3, 2014


I ran across this post on Instagram last tonight & it truly inspired me! It made me think about several different things but the main thing that stood out the most was "living the same day twice". We all experience difficulties in life right? Things rarely go as we plan or hope they will and most of the time we find ourselves faced with disappointment, pain, hurt, discomfort, etc.. 

This post is so inspiring because it causes you to question how long are you going to stay in that difficulty or unpleasant circumstance? Life has taught me the "Time Heals All" quote isn't that true. The more we cast our worries, pain, & thoughts on God, the more he will heal us and help us move past those difficulties we face in life. 
Life is Literally To Short To Live The Same Day Twice! 

Another thing this post made me think about was taking advantage of each day. Time may be the most valuable thing we all have. We have 24 hrs in a day & once they're gone, we can never get them back. BNspired to make the most of everyday! Try different things, change up your daily routine & connect with strangers because LIFE IS LITERALLY TOO SHORT TO LIVE THE SAME DAY TWICE! 
