Life is A lot of work & can be very hard at times. What is it that gives us strength to continue when we're tired & burned out? INSPIRATION! Inspiration comes in many forms. BNspired sole hope is for you to leave this blog feeling so refreshed that you'll be able to spread the word in hopes of inspiring someone else!
Your passions come from God. If you follow them, you will always get back up after a fall. If you follow path devoid of passion, not only are you ignoring God's message to you but you are likely to fall quickly and permanently. Are you working on things that you're truly passionate about? Maybe it's time to curate the list of projects you're involved in.
Yesterday was definitely a tougher day on this fast journey. I found myself talking to God on my way home and let out a ton of frustration with things I've been dealing with. When was the last time you spoke to God and truly vented your frustrations? What did you say? What was your tone? Did you feel better afterwards?
Those are just questions to think about. I honestly haven't had a conversation like that with God in a long time. It was long overdue, that's for sure. My tone wasn't that pleasant either. I think it's important to always go to God and be 100% real with him. He already knows everything little thing about us, including our thoughts and feelings. BNspired to do the same. Today has been a much better day than yesterday and I honestly believe he is about to open my eyes to so much.
Lately I've been reminding myself of this!Whatever season you're in right now, remember that God is in it with you. He will never call you to something, he won't be there to help you through!
Came Across this Awesome song and wanted to share it since I've been listening to it pretty much all day. It just reminds me that despite our circumstances and things we may go through, we still have sweet victory in Jesus Christ! Great Song!
I just read this email tonight and it really gave me so much assurance! If you haven't already, BNspired to go subscribe to Joel Osteen daily emails. They have beena major blessing to my life over the past couple of years.
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I also received this text message this morning and it truly inspired me. God is definitely speaking to me in so many ways as I intentionally draw near to him. This verse was something I truly needed to read and be reminded of. As humans sometimes we can get so down on ourselves when things go wrong or we can start to second guess ourselves in different situations. This verse was literalGod telling me "Jaz relax, I'm with you and you are doing fine. My favor has always been on you and it is still on you. Don't lose your confidence, you're doing fine." I needed that. I hope this post inspires you and give you hope with whatever you're dealing with!
Just came across these verses and felt the need to share. Day 3 has been a little tough but I'm glad I came across this word. No matter what comes my/your way, remember to continue to trust In the Lord with All my/your heart and not lean on my/your own understanding!
Yesterday was another successful day on my fast journey. I wanted to share a few bible verses and things I did. During my 1 on 1 time, I came across Psalms 107. It's so much inspiration and hope in that chapter but some of my favorite verses were 10-15.
It says,
"Some sat in darkness and deepest gloom, imprisoned in iron chains of misery. They rebelled against the words of God, scorning the counsel of the Most High. That is why he broke them with hard labor; they fell, and no one was there to help them. “ lord , help!” they cried in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He led them from the darkness and deepest gloom; he snapped their chains. Let them praise the lord for his great love and for the wonderful things he has done for them."
I was so inspired and blessed from that. During this first week, I'm also fasting from television. I try to look up different sermons on youtube or online to watch and last night I came upon a sermon by Heather Lindsey titled "Overcoming Toxic Emotions". It was definitely helpful hearing everything she had to say. BNspired to check it out here.
Today has been a pretty good day. I have known that I needed to fast from things for awhile now. It was just a feeling of separation or disconnection with God that's really lingered with me. I chose to ignore that feeling for months until today. With December being the last month of 2014, I really feel the need to reconnect and work on my personal relationship with God. I need to finish this year out strong spiritually more than anything. Tonight I was able to really vent to God about different things that has been frustrating me. Thank goodness my mom gave me this journal. It will become a very therapeutic way for me to get things off my chest and communicate with God. I wanted to share a key verse I came upon tonight.
Pslams 42:5 " Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again— my Savior"
Have you ever felt like this? I have, and I definitely was able to relate to this tonight. No matter how I/you feel lets continue to put our hope in God. He knows what's best for us.
Super excited to be starting this FastForward Journey for the next 21 days. This couldn't have been a better time for me personally. Feel free to join me on this fast. You can fast from anything that takes away your time with God. Leave a comment if you would like me to send you the FastForward packet which comes from Pastor Adrian Davis. Have to finish 2014 STRONG!