This was my devotion yesterday morning that really blessed me and encouraged me. The bible readings came from Judges 19 and 20, John 3 and 4, Psalm 104, and Proverbs 14.
Daily Devotional
by Larry Stockstill
Is it possible to be doing the right thing and still seem to be losing the battle? The Lord himself had commissioned the men of Israel, saying, "Go out and fight against them" (Judges 20:23). The Israelites' battle was in retaliation for Benjamin's wickedness. You would think that God would have instantly given the Israelites victory. Instead, they were defeated twice before they finally prevailed!
How important it is not to interpret one lost battle as meaning that God is not with you! Satan may win a battle, but he won't win the war. You are fighting the Lord's battles, not your own. Casualties often occur in war, but victory is sure to come to the one who keeps inquiring of the Lord. Once, then twice, then a third time, the Israelites regrouped and sought the Lord. They knew their cause was just and that the war was not over until they had won.
Never doubt in the darkness what God told you in the light. If God told you to do something for Him, it will succeed. He knows the enemy's strategy and will give you the victory in the end!