Nov 30, 2012

Do It Anyway. . .

‎"People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.

 If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway. 

The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway. Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway."
- Mother Teresa

Nov 27, 2012

The Epiphyllum Oypetalum Flower!

Checked my Instagram this morning and got some MUCH NEEDED Inspiration from one of my Best Friends

"The Epiphyllum Oypetalum flower starts out as the picture on the left. It eventually grows into this Beautiful bloom on the right. Amazing difference right? The point is, that person you said that will never be anything, the one you called broke, the one you said would never get anywhere, or even called ugly, could eventually grow into this. Educated, ambitious, successful, and beautiful. 
Watch what you say to people because you can easily go from the picture on the right to the one on the left while they do the opposite. There is more to life than basketball, football, or any sport. You gotta hang it up at some point, and thats when you ask yourself "Who Am I?" Are you a use to be? Shoulda Been? Coulda Been? Or are you someone who made the best of their situation and can still say you made it regardless. Reality Check"
S/O to one of my best friends and brother Maurice for this Inspiration

Relationships & Influence

Look At 2 Corinthians 22-26
This devotion speaks for itself! Influence can have a major effect on your life. Who and What are you letting influence you? Are they influencing you in a positive or negative way? Something to think about.

Tough Decisions

James 4:17

This was one of my Daily devotions this week. After I read it I knew I had to share it on this blog. We all fall victim to this at some point in our lives. At one point in my life, there were things I was struggling with and doing that I KNEW in my heart wasn't right. I knew it was sin but I kept falling victim to it, until I made up my MIND (Romans 12:2) that it was time for a change! I gave it all to GOD and began to seek him more and he truly turned it around for me. For that I'm a better person today than I was then. I'm forever Thankful. 

The devotion read: "There are many tough decisions that we make everyday. A lot of times we simply weigh the pros and cons. However, the problem with that approach is the beneficiary is you. Shifting your thinking away from "how can I benefit" will allow you to invite God into the choices you make. 

Nov 25, 2012

Our God Is Greater!

This is a great song that declares the amazing characteristics of the only true God!
Our God Is Greater, Our God Is Stronger, God You Are Higher Than Any Other
Our God Is Healer, Awesome In Power Our God!
Our God!

Nov 23, 2012


    Psalm 107:1 
    "Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever."

I'm Thankful Every Second of Everyday! Yesterday I just got to eat in the process. BNspired Hopes you all had a Great Thanksgiving!! Two Things I'm especially Thankful for is Growth & Progress!

Nov 19, 2012

"It's The Little Things That Make The Big Picture Look Better"

A Gr8 Friend of mine told me this tonight and I couldn't agree more with him. It really inspired me to put it on my blog so you all could be reminded of how great the meaning behind these words are. 
To many times in our lives we forget to take the little moments in, because we seem to only concern ourselves with the big moments that we hope for. While the big moments in our lives are certainly special; the little moments that we make now will be the biggest memories we keep in our minds for the rest of our lives. 
 See the Big picture even when the picture you are looking into at the moment might not seem significant!

Nov 18, 2012

Tonight's Devotional 11/18/12

Deuteronomy 31:8
"The ups and downs in life bring beauty in unforeseen ways. There are life events that batter us down. However, your faith can determine the outcome. It's easy to stay beaten in a lonely place by focusing on yourself as a victim. OR, you can OVERCOME this and recover by placing your faith in God. Even more, you can come out a better person and excel beyond your imagination. Remember, God has the Power to make things we can't see appear. It just takes a little FAITH!"

This devotional tonight is a direct reflection in my testimony. I once was in a very Lonely place and stayed there for a little while because I was focusing on myself, playing victim. BUT once I gave it all over to God and started focusing on him, he slowly but surely turned things ALL THE WAY AROUND for me! I'm Beyond Thankful!

Nov 15, 2012


Word to This Inspirational Woman!
Maya Angelou

What Are Your Goals??


[gohl]  Show IPA
the result or achievement toward which effort is directed;aim; end.

Before my senior year of college and basketball season started, I wrote down some goals for myself. I really wanted my last year of undergrad to be special and it was! The first picture you see are the goals I wrote down for myself. I had this picture as my background on my phone the entire year as well as hanging up on my desk in my room. I seen these goals constantly and was motivated/driven constantly. With Faith, Dedication, & Hard Work, I almost reached every goal on that paper! 

The 2nd picture you see are the goals I set for myself in June following my graduation. I have this paper hanging up on my board in my office as well my background picture on my phone. I'm constantly reminded and focused on the things I want out of life! I challenge you to sit down and put your goals on PAPER! Write them down! Believe and Have Faith that you can do anything!


New Day, New Joy, New Peace, NEW INSPIRATION!

Every Morning I wake up, I've made it a Habit to automatically Thank God For Another Day! I know this is something small but its important. I've learned that it's important to create good habits especially since its so easy to create bad ones. I encourage as well as challenge you to try to think of some new, GOOD, as well as  Positive daily goals that you can set for yourself. Hopefully these daily goals will eventually turn into good Habits. If you change your Habits then you Can Change your life all together!

Here are My New Daily Goals I Just set for myself!

Nov 7, 2012


November 6th 2012 was My first time EVER Voting! It felt so good to exercise my right to Vote and be apart of History! We All know God is the Ultimate one in Control and I'm So Happy & Proud Obama is Still Our President! We as a Country have to MOVE FORWARD Together! 

I just want to encourage whoever is reading this to listen to this song! BeNspired to Move FORWARD with your life! Everyday you have the option to Start Over! The lyrics to this are
What a moment You have brought me to
Such a freedom, Lord, I have found in You
You're the Healer who makes all things new
Yeah, yeah, yeah!

I'm not going back, I'm moving ahead
I'm here to declare to You my past is over
In You all things are made new
Surrendered my life to Christ, I'm moving, moving forward

Devotional for Tonight 11/7/2012

Matthew 6:34
My Devotional for Tonight Says:
At the very root of worry is fear. Fear of the unknowns or what if's can erode away the security we find in God. Don't let this fear overtake you and allow the worry to creep in your thoughts. Place your confidence in Jesus that He will provide and comfort you. Then PRAY!

"If you gone pray, then don't worry. If you gone worry, then don't pray. You CAN'T DO BOTH"


All I Need Is GOD!!

Here are my Notes from Church This Past Sunday! I Pray It Blesses Your Life Like It Did Mine! Click on Pictures to Make Them Bigger!

Nov 6, 2012

Soul Detox Daily Devotion

Thought I'd share my devotion this morning with you all!! It comes from 1 Timothy 6:1-21!!

If you have the Holy Bible App on your phone I urge you to look up and start the daily plan called Soul Detox!

Nov 1, 2012


Loved this devotional! 

It says: The difference between the prudent and the simpleton is in their response to danger. When the dentist mentions to work on flossing the prudent persons changes their daily habits. By blindly moving forward and not taking action we are forced to take more painful action later on such as having difficult conversation, foreclosure, or painful oral surgery. What danger do you foresee that you could take action on today?

Rungs To Your Destiny!! NOTES from BIBLE STUDY!


Oct 28, 2012

Planetshakers~ Hallelujah

This song Blessed Me Today at Church!!! 
Hallelujah- a shout of joy, praise, or gratitude. 
An Expression of Worship or Rejoicing!!


Oct 18, 2012

In Case You Missed It (Week of 10/14/2012)

Check It OUT!!! The Rock Church Birmingham, Al! Pastor Mike McClure Jr.
"The Struggle Truly Begins Not When People Surround Us, But When They Forsake Us, Then We Begin To Discover Our Own Identity & Self-Worth"

Oct 17, 2012

Grown & Alone! Bible Study Notes 10/16

This word was so powerful last night! I'm hoping they will put the video up so I'll be able to post it! For now, here are my notes! This message also deals with the Prodigal Son Story Luke 15:14-19

 Key Points!!!
*Never Invite UNNECESSARY DRAMA into your life!! The Prodigal son chose to leave home and go to a Distant Land. He chose to spend all he had on wild living. He suffered from emptiness, destitute, hunger, loneliness, etc. because he chose to leave home. All of that pain and suffering, he brought upon himself which was unnecessary. 

**God Makes NO MISTAKES! Everything happens for a reason! This includes when people you love and care about hurt you or leave you. Maybe those people aren't in your life for a REASON!

***Never Just Settle! Never allow the devil to trick you into thinking you're not worthy! Jesus Blood Covers All our Sins! We can ALWAYS Go To God JUST AS WE ARE!

Thankful to See 23!

Yesterday I was fortunate enough to celebrate my 23rd Birthday! 1st Let me say, I had a GREAT BIRTHDAY! This year, my birthday was so different for me mainly because this is the first year I'm really out in the "real world" and on my own. Thank Goodness I was off from work. I got to sleep in(major Plus) and just relax all day! When I say I enjoyed every minuet of it smh I mean it! 
Being on your own brings disadvantages as well as advantages. Of course you have days where you might feel "lonely" but you also have days where you just enjoy your independence. I'm going through the process and I'm embracing every minuet. I've realize sometimes God allows us to go through seasons like this in order for us to cling closer to him. I once saw a quote that said "Isolation, though hard to embrace, can bring along reevaluation". I think that is so true. Yesterday while I lounged around my apartment the majority of the day, I had time to reflect and reevaluate things in my life. This was a major plus as well because sometimes you can get so busy with "life" "work" that you don't have anytime to yourself. I decided to go to Bible study yesterday as well and heard a great Word! The message was titled "Grown and Alone" (how relevant right?) lol I'm so glad I was there to hear it. I'll put my notes up from the service so be on the look out for that! I also had a good friend of mine come and take me to dinner. I had a great time with him. Overall my birthday was Wonderful and I'm just so thankful for the process God is allowing me to go through in order to continue to Grow in every area of my life. 

Oct 15, 2012


A Great Friend of Mine sent me these notes from a service he heard recently! I'm so glad he did because it's just what I needed! Hopefully this can help you, like it did me.

He Said Whatever! Psalm 1:1-3

Here are my notes from Sunday's service!

Oct 10, 2012

Bible Study Notes Luke 15:12-14

click to make photos larger

Here are my notes from Bible Study Yesterday. Take some time out & go over the verses and look through the notes. God Bless!

Ready or Not, It's YOUR TIME! Be You

click to make Notes larger

These are my notes from Sunday Service at The Rock Church here in Birmingham, Al 35209 . Take some time and look over them and go to the bible verses! It was a POWERFUL word!

Be Content

This was one of my devotions one morning. The message said: 
Could you learn to be content without a new car, iphone, or house? If we let them, our desires begin to control us with a never ending that can't be quenched. It is a daily struggle to consistently trust that God will provide for our needs as He has promised. We can learn to be content when we rely on God's promises daily. When you find yourself wanting something today, try practicing contentment with what you have.

This was something I really have to think back to every time I want something I don't necessarily need. Practicing contentment daily.

Sep 27, 2012

In Case You Missed It Part 4 (week of 9/23/12)

Good Word from Pastor Mike starting at 6:55!
Sometimes we have to take responsibility for our own actions & mistakes. He said you might have got yourself in the mess but if you trust in God he will help you out of it!
Amen to that

Sep 25, 2012

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.  

    ― Maya Angelou

Sep 19, 2012

Key Notes From Revival At The Rock Last Night!

Just want to encourage you as I was last night to really take some "Me" time to sit and think about these 3 things in the notes. I'm going to do it today. Get a notebook or something to write while you reflect! I'm pretty sure we all will get something out of this! No one is perfect but we all can work on growing to become better!

Key Quotes from Revival @the Rock Last Night!

"People Think You Look Good Now! But WAIT until God Puts You BAck Together Again! His Grace Is A Beautiful Sight!"

"GOD wants to give many people a breakthrough! But some people can't "BREAK" away from the past!"

"Food for Thought: Are you working for yourself? Or are you working for GOD?"

"Many people can't move on to "Tomorrow" because they are held hostage to "Yesterday"

"Right is not what is right to you! Right is what is right to God!"

"Sometimes Your DOWNtime is your Time for Development"

"Failure is NOT falling down! Failure is not Getting Back UP after the fall!"

This last one really made me think about things! The Pastor said:
"When you become Satisfied, You Become Complacent! When You are Complacent You Seize To Grow!"


I thought this devotional was really good and needed to be shared! It says: 

It's effortless to love your own mother. But what about those who don't love you back unconditionally? It's difficult to give a helping hand to a boss who doesn't treat you well, or even someone who cheats, lies, or harms you. However, God challenges us to do just that. Try selecting someone who fits into one of those categories and do something nice for them.

Recognize the Challenges You Face.. Deal With Them & Smile Because You Are BLESSED!

Checked my facebook this morning and read a very I N S P I R I N G status from a high school friend. She summed up her status at the end with the words above in the title. I really needed to hear that! 
Preciate That AD

Sep 18, 2012

Blessed Weekend

I had A Blessed Weekend With My Family in Indy! 

My brother Inspires me in so many ways!! 
Even without his success on the football field, he would still be one of my top role models in my life!