Nov 22, 2013


I can't make this up. I'm at my office working on some scheduling. I'm currently listening to Jekalyn Carr - Greater is Coming. I happen to look down on my phone and I see this daily message from Pastor A.D. app. GREATER IS COMING not only for me but for you as well! BNspired to Really Believe That! 
Check Out This Great Song Below "Greater Is Coming"

Nov 20, 2013

Andy Mineo- Curious

Like Rap Music? Check out a great Christian rapper by the name of Andy Mineo. I came across a great song of his titled "Curious". I was talking to Rashad Johnson via Instagram when I seen a post from him which had some of the lyrics to the song on it. It was so ironic because I had been listening to the song earlier that day & the lyrics he had put up was my favorite part of the song! 

I've been focusing more on building my future instead of dwelling on my past. Andy said we should be content & focus on the things God gives, not things he didn't. I Loved that. It was clarity. 
      Here's the song..Hope you all enjoy it!


I really didn't realize the true importance of "AFFIRMING" myself that much until I read this in a book titled "One Day My Soul Just Opened Up" by Iyanla Vanzant. This is an amazing book geared towards spiritual strength & personal growth. It's a very applicable read. A couple days ago, the main focal point was "Affirmation". We all know it's better to think about the positives than negatives in your life. One way to do that is to affirm yourself! Everyday throughout your day, BNspired to AFFIRM YOU! Think positive thoughts about yourself, how you look, who you are, things you've done to help others, etc. I'm telling you, this is a great way to build yourself up. 
The truth is you are beautiful, you are smart, you are genuine, you are loving, you are growing, you are better today than you were yesterday & you are well on your way. The truth is your hair does looks pretty, your smile is eye catching, you are unique, you are special, you are a great friend, you are a great companion, you are a wonderful mother, father, sister, brother, aunt t, etc. Tell yourself these things daily! 

Clarity Check✔

I was reading one of my devotions the other night and the main verse came from Deuteronomy 31:8. This was my first time reading this verse and as I read it something clicked in my head and brought me back to a verse I had focused on a few weeks ago which was from Hebrews 13:5. This was clarity for me & I just wanted to share with you all that no mater WHAT you're dealing with, TRUST & BELIEVE that God is always there. The word says "He Will Never Fail You, He Will Never Abandon You. Remember these verses, BNspired to implant them into your heart!

Nov 18, 2013


This was my devotion Saturday Night. It was definitely something 
I needed & was right on time. 

The entire devotion reads:

God's answer of "not now" to Hannah's prayers was difficult to bear while enduring the cutting, taunting word. God's timing may appear to be disconnected from your circumstances, but in hindsight His timing is timely. Weather through the storm, God will give you the strength. If you know of a fellow Christian going through such times, come alongside them and help lift them up.

Despite my circumstances this just goes to let me know that His timing is timely. 

Timely is defined:
as: occurring at a suitable timeseasonable; opportune; well-timed: 

I was thinking of different situations I've been dealing with & the fact that I've been praying for more patience all throughout this year. It only makes sense that if I've been praying for more patience, God would allow certain things to happen that would FORCE me to BE patient. I have faith knowing that everything will work out for my good according to his timing, not mine! 


Pastor AD Daily Inspiration

If you haven't already, go download Pastor Adrian Davis App! He sends daily messages/inspiration that truly bless my life. Just Type in Adrian Davis in the app search bar! 

Facebook Inspiration

Seen this on Facebook the other day & felt I had to share it! It Inspired Me so Hopefully It'll Inspire You As Well! S/O to my bro Devyn for sharing!

Nov 6, 2013

Morning Inspiration

It's funny how just as I was updating this blog, I received this text from my brother Mark. It's great having real friends that really do care about your faith. This was just what I needed to read this morning, so maybe it's something you need to read as well! Thanks again Bro

Bible Study Notes

I Love Bible Studies At The Rock Church here in Birmingham, Al. Here are my notes from yesterday. 
The Series is titled "I'm Under Construction". This is perfect timing for me being that I'm truly under construction with different situations in my life. I hope you enjoy these notes & try to make them applicable to your life!
 Click To Make Notes Larger

Nov 4, 2013

"You Must Lift As You Climb"

This was one of my devotions last night from a GREAT App called "Devotion". It read "While encouraging others is part of following God, how you receive those encouraging words is just as important. Instead of responding with a negative reaction that promotes lack of confidence, accept it gracefully with a simple thank you or one with sincere gratitude. God made you in his image and values your every thought and presence. 
I read this shortly after I watched the "Black Girls Rock" event on t.v. last night. The entire show was very inspirational to me and one of the main quotes I heard was from the creator Beverly Bond. After her speech towards the end of the show she stated "You Must Lift As You Climb" How GREAT is that? That's the sole purpose of why I started this blog "To Inspire and Encourage" others. I believe little things go a long way. BNspired to compliment somebody you don't know today. Trust me it will mean more to them than you know!

Keep Moving!!

Seen this picture on Instagram!

No Matter What Life Throws At You! 

Who likes to be stagnant? Not me! BNspired to grow, to learn, to improve, to help, & to LOVE! Growth presents itself through experiences, people, & life lessons so whatever you're dealing with keep moving

Facebook Inspiration

I seen this post from a friend last Thursday & honestly it has flashed through my mind a lot every since. It's not by coincidence how just hearing or reading different things kind of connects back to something that really stood out to you before. After I read this post, the main thing that stood out was doing things to please God or "Prove Him Right". That's how we can operate in excellence everyday consistently. 

Looking back over different situations that I've experienced, I'm realizing that even though I love God and try to live right, it's been easy getting wrapped up in trying to please PEOPLE instead of him. After reading this, it was like a lightbulb went off & things really started to make sense to me. 
I'm so glad I can log onto different social networks & see inspirational posts like this one. Thanks AC!!