Nov 18, 2013


This was my devotion Saturday Night. It was definitely something 
I needed & was right on time. 

The entire devotion reads:

God's answer of "not now" to Hannah's prayers was difficult to bear while enduring the cutting, taunting word. God's timing may appear to be disconnected from your circumstances, but in hindsight His timing is timely. Weather through the storm, God will give you the strength. If you know of a fellow Christian going through such times, come alongside them and help lift them up.

Despite my circumstances this just goes to let me know that His timing is timely. 

Timely is defined:
as: occurring at a suitable timeseasonable; opportune; well-timed: 

I was thinking of different situations I've been dealing with & the fact that I've been praying for more patience all throughout this year. It only makes sense that if I've been praying for more patience, God would allow certain things to happen that would FORCE me to BE patient. I have faith knowing that everything will work out for my good according to his timing, not mine! 


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