This was Day 3 of "Purpose Driven Life". I really should have posted this a long time ago since I'm on day 19 right now but I still want to share it. On this day it asked an important question.. "What Drives Your Life?" Drive is defined as: to guide, to control, or to direct. We all are driven by something. The author states that there are hundreds of values, circumstances, & emotions that can drive your life.
The 5 Most Common Ones Are:
*Guilt-running from regrets and hiding shame
*Resentment & Anger- holding on to hurts & never getting over them
*FEAR- from result of traumatic experiences, unrealistic expectations, growing up in a high control home, or genetic predisposition
Materialism- desiring to acquire becomes the entire goal of your life. Feeling that having More will make you more happy, more important, or more secure.
Need for Approval- allowing expectations of other people(parents, friends, teachers, children) to control your life
Is your life driven by one or more of these things? Be honest with yourself. Are you materialistic? Are you a people pleaser to the point that what other people think of you consumes you? Do you have anger and resentment built up in your heart from things that happened years ago? Do you have a ton of regrets?
All these things leads to the same thing: Unused potential, unnecessary stress, & an unfulfilled life!
Find Your Purpose In Life & Your Purpose Will Give Meaning To Your Life.
5 Benefits Of Living A Purpose Driven Life
*Purpose Gives Meaning To Your Life- Without God, life has no purpose; The greatest tragedy is not death, but life without purpose.
*Purpose Simplifies Your Life- It defines what you do and what you don't do. Your purpose becomes the standard you use to evaluate which activities are essential & which are not. You ask yourself"Does this activity help me fulfill one of God's purposes for my life?"
*Purpose Focuses Your Life- It concentrates your effort & energy on what's important! You become effective by being selective
*Purpose Motivates Your Life- Purpose produces passion! Passion starts to die when you lack a purpose
*Purpose Prepares You For Eternity- Many of us spend our time on earth trying to create a lasting legacy but what really matters most will not be what others say about your life. It'll be What God Says!