Apr 10, 2014

God's Timing

Transparent Moment To Share With You All 
Past couple days, I've had a ton of things on my mind. I was sort of hit with a "reality check" over the weekend and it forced me to really take some time to reflect on my life. Prayer has helped me a ton through this process. I said a very special prayer last night about a few things and I woke up feeling really good this morning. I had a very anxious feeling as well. Ok so I pulled up to work, got out of my car, & started walking to my office like I normally do. As I was getting out of my car I seen my old strength and conditioning coach pulling up as well & I waved at him. Literally about 20 mins later, out of blue, he sent me this text. Maannn Talk about God. I love when he can speak to me in a way I know it's him. I've learned that sometimes he does this through other people and it's literally always RIGHT On Time! This is why I understand the saying "God's Timing Is Perfect". I'm so Thankful for people like Coach Rholing and others who just have a heart out to build somebody up or encourage someone like myself. You don't find to many people like that. Just wanted to share this with you all. BNspired

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