Jan 5, 2015

Day 3 of Proverbs31Challenge!

Here are my favorite verses from Chapter 3 of Proverbs. Some translations says "Seek his will in all you do and he will show you which path to take" or "Acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths" 
I wanted to define "seek & acknowledge" so we can actually see what those words mean.
  1. attempt to find (something).
    "they came here to seek shelter from biting winter winds"
    synonyms:search for, try to find, look for, be on the lookout for, be after, hunt for, be in quest of
    "they sought shelter from the winter snows"
    • attempt or desire to obtain or achieve (something).
      "the new regime sought his extradition"
      synonyms:try to obtain, work toward, be intent on, aim at/for More
    • ask for (something) from someone.
      "he sought help from the police"

      1. 1.
        accept or admit the existence or truth of.
        "the plight of the refugees was acknowledged by the authorities"
        synonyms:admitacceptgrantallowconcede, accede to, confessown,recognize
        "the government acknowledged the need to begin talks"
      2. 2.
        (of a body of opinion) recognize the fact or importance or quality of.
        "the art world has begun to acknowledge his genius"
"Lord, I trust you with my entire life. I know you have so many great things in store for me and I'm grateful for your faithfulness. Help me to find and desire you more. I pray you continue to reveal yourself to me and the people connected to me daily. Help us find wisdom and understanding. In your son Jesus name I pray,

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