Nov 5, 2014

Pastor AD Daily Inspiration

Pastor AD daily inspirational texts are not only blessing me but blessing my family as well! My hope is that these messages will inspire and bless you too.
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Take Some Time..

Seen this and had to share! Reflection & introspection is huge especially for growth. Take some time to reflect. 

Oct 10, 2014


Seen this post and had to share! We all get stressed, frustrated, and worried sometimes right? Pray these verses over your life!  
7 Great Bible Verses for Stress
In my distress I called upon the LORD, Yes, I cried to my God; And from His temple He heard my voice, And my cry for help came into His ears. (2 Samuel 22:7)
And He said, “My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest. (Exodus 33:14)
Cast your burden upon the LORD, and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken. (Psalm 55:22)
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)
When I am afraid, I will put my trust in Thee. In God, whose word I praise, In God I have put my trust; I shall not be afraid. What can [mere] man do to me? (Psalm 56:3-4)
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6)
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Lecrae~Anomaly Album

If you haven't already, please take some time and check out Lecrae's Album "Anomaly". It's definitely growing on me. Some of my favorite songs are Anomaly, All I Need Is You, Wish, Nuthin, & The Good Bad & Ugly. 
BNspired to check out some good music!!

Oct 6, 2014


Verse Of The Day!
Proverbs 1:7
"Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline"

Pastor AD Inspiration

Alway Good Getting Daily Inspiration From Pastor Adrian Davis

Shrek The Sheep

Came Across This Article This Morning & It Blessed Me. I Hope It Does The Same For You! 
Check It Out Below
This is Shrek the sheep. He became famous several years ago when he was found after hiding out in caves for six years. Of course, during this time his fleece grew without anyone there to shorn (shave) it. When he was finally found and shaved, his fleece weighed an amazing sixty pounds. Most sheep have a fleece weighing just under ten pounds, with the exception usually reaching fifteen pounds, maximum. For six years, Shrek carried six times the regular weight of his fleece. Simply because he was away from his shepherd.
This reminds me of John 10 when Jesus compares Himself to a shepherd, and His followers are His sheep. Maybe it’s a stretch, but I think Shrek is much like a person who knows Jesus Christ but has wandered. If we avoid Christ’s constant refining of our character, we’re going to accumulate extra weight in this world—a weight we don’t have to bear.
When Shrek was found, a professional sheep shearer took care of Shrek’s fleece in twenty-eight minutes. Shrek’s sixty pound fleece was finally removed. All it took was coming home to his shepherd.
I believe Christ can lift the burdens we carry, if only we stop hiding. He can shave off our ‘fleece’—that is, our self-imposed burdens brought about by wandering from our Good Shepherd.
“Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

Sep 25, 2014

Morning Inspiration!

I Seen This Post Yesterday and It's Still On My Mind! 
"Everybody wants a Breakthrough, 
but Nobody is Willing to be Broken"

Aug 26, 2014

All I Need Is You!

Just Came Across This Awesome Song by 
Lecrae "All I Need Is You" 
Check It Out!

Aug 18, 2014

What Do You Do When?

Transparent Moment:
What do you do when God says NO or not right now? I was questioning this a couple weeks ago when something I was really believing God for just didn't happen for me. I had been praying, believing, and speaking a certain thing over my life for awhile. I just knew my blessing was on the way. Eventually I found out that it wasn't going to happen for me. I was really hurt about it at first & sent a text to some close friends asking "What Do You Do When God says No?" Here were some of the answers I got & honestly I'm just thankful for these few people in my life.

As I sit here a few weeks later, I'm honestly super Thankful for that "No or Not Right Now". I've come realize that God was looking out for me all along. Thank You Lord For Protecting Me From The Things I Thought I Wanted! BNspired to always know that God has our best interest at heart!(Jeremiah 29:11)

 His plans will always be better than our plans. 
Isaiah 55:8 says “My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the  lord . “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.  


For YOU!

Seen this today and instantly felt so much conviction!
James 4:8 Come close to God, and God will come close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, for your loyalty is divided between God and the world.
I finally understand that no matter how much I pray & ask God to increase my desire for him, it means nothing if I don't put forth an effort to get to know him. 
BNspired to make the first move in drawing close to him. 

Aug 11, 2014

Appreciate The Silver Linings

Silver Lining: (n) A Hopeful or Comforting Prospect In The Midst Of Difficulty. 
ex: Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining

I truly have a fascination with the sky. I'm constantly taking pictures of it. It gives me so much hope. Anytime I see silver linings, I'm just amazed and reminded that no matter what difficult or dark place I may reach, there will always be hope/light in the midst. There is always some good in any bad situation. There is always positives to find in any negative situation or experience. So now that you know what silver linings are, don't just look for them but appreciate them! Here are a couple of pictures I've taken with silver linings. 

Improve YOU!

How much time do you put aside just for yourself? How much time do you spend on thinking about different ways to become better? Do you invest in YOURSELF at all? Do you put any meaningful thought in things you want to accomplish and how you will accomplish those things? Do you ever think about ways to present yourself better from a visual standpoint? (Perception is Reality) These are all questions to inspire you to find more time for yourself! 

Paul Brunson sends out tons of inspirational thoughts and ideas daily. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram (thank me later lol). I wanted to share this particular post with you all. BNspired to Feed your mind, body, & soul. Write out some new daily goals, practice mediation, spend some time away from the internet & tv and improve yourself!

Pastor A.D. Is Always Right On Time!

Received this inspiration last week. Truly was right on time for me. I pray it inspires you as well. 

Jul 29, 2014

Don't Settle Where You Are!!!

Don’t Settle Where
You Are


“...No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”
(1 Corinthians 2:9, NLT)

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria

God did not create you to live a little life with little dreams, little goals, little passion, little influence. God thinks big. He thinks abundance. He thinks expansive. He told the Israelites, “I am bringing you into a wide land, a spacious land flowing with milk and honey.” God has something bigger, something better, something more rewarding in front of you. Don’t get comfortable where you are. It’s easy to think, “Well, God’s blessed me. I’m happy. I’m healthy. I have no complaints.” That’s good to always be grateful. You should learn to be happy where you are, but don’t settle where you are. God never performs His greatest victories in the past. They’re always in the future.
Remember today, you haven’t touched the surface of what God has in store for you. He’s going to open doors you never dreamed would open. He’s going to bring talent out of you that you didn’t know you had! You’re going to see explosive blessings that thrust you to a new level. Keep praying, keep hoping, keep believing and don’t settle where you are. Embrace the blessing God has in store for your future!


Father, thank You for big dreams and visions for my life. I trust that You are taking me higher and leading me to increase, first in You, and then in my influence in the world around me. I refuse to settle and trust that You are at work in Jesus’ name! Amen.

— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Jul 18, 2014

TD Jakes "Junk In The Trunk"

A good friend of mine told me to watch this video and I'm so glad I did. This really blessed my life. Single or having relationship problems? Check this video out NOW! I know it's an hour in half long BUT spare sometime to watch it. You'll be glad you did afterwards. 

Life's Journey!

Had the pleasure of talking to Chris Hudson, owner of Life's Journey Clothing Line. This is from Life's Journey Website: I'm truly inspired by this brand and by Chris.  

“Life’s Journey” is an inspirational clothing brand that originated  in Lexington, KY. Founded by Chris Hudson in 2008; he began his journey by selling t-shirts out of his trunk to friends and family members. The brand has developed and evolved throughout the years with much more to offer on the horizon.  Life’s Journey is more than a clothing brand, it offers inspiration to lead a positive lifestyle. Our brand is focused on developing individuals from the inside, out. Chris wants this brand to focus on positive messages that will inspire you to pursue your purpose. Life’s Journey wants to inspire you to believe  in yourself, pursue your gifts, and inspire your generation. We are not simply selling you clothing, we’re giving you inspiration. Our vision is to encourage individuals  through the art of creative design.
Believe. Pursue. Inspire
Chris willingness to speak with me and offer advice was clear proof of his character and heart. Please Check Out Life's Journey website and social media sites. He has top quality gear that you'll love. You will not be sorry.

Daily Inspiration!

I was looking through pictures in my phone and came across this one. I took this a couple weeks ago when I was stopped at a red light. I looked up and was inspired. I love seeing things like this and took the picture with you guys in mind. 
Let Everything That Has Breath PRAISE THE LORD!
Inspiration is Everywhere.

Bible Study Notes This Week!

So glad I was able to attend bible study this week at The Rock Church, here in Birmingham, Al. Pastor Mike decided to give us some very important questions to ask ourselves along with bible verses. Here are my notes. I pray they bless your life! 
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Jun 30, 2014

Smart Advice From One The Greats

Found this on Coach George Raveling website. Ton of great inspiration and wisdom on there. Check it out at 

Jun 29, 2014

Sunday Notes!!

Was Very Very Blessed by a Great Word at The Rock Church here in Birmingham, Al by Pastor Darius McClure. Here are my notes and I hope they bless you as well. 
click on notes to make larger!

Facebook Inspiration

Seen this on Facebook and was really inspired by it. 
"What looks Good doesn't Mean It's God...But What Is God is Always Good" 
Wise Words!

Today's Devotion "Path To Take"

I woke up to this inspiration this morning and it has really been on my mind all day. The entire devotion reads :Usually we reserve the big decisions for God to throw in His two cents, such as job options, marriage partner, and moving possibilities. Yet we are quick to make "smaller" decisions without giving any thought to God's will. Where we spend our time, who we spend it with, and the words we say are decisions we make daily, but don't think twice about inviting God into the process. It's quite possible these smaller decisions which make a greater impact on our lives when we ask God to show us His will. The next time you make decision, invite God. 

This really hit home with me. We've all heard the saying "It's the little things that make the life Big" right? After I read this devotion, I immediately thought about that saying. BNspired to do the "Little Things" for God and watch him show up in Big ways for you. Invite him into your smaller decisions you make daily. This is definitely something I'm going to try to do more of.

Jun 25, 2014

Jun 19, 2014

Being Happy

Instagram Inspiration
Seen this post yesterday & was really inspired! The caption read:
Numbers 6:25-26 "May the  lord  smile on you and be gracious to you. May the  lord  show you his favor and give you his peace.’'
 Those words are a Hebrew idiom for the favor of God on a person's life, asking God to smile on His children. So today, remember that you are loved by God, and that He is pleased to be gracious to you and to shine His face upon you. 

BNspired to choose Happiness today. You are in charge of how your day goes. Make it Great!

Jun 12, 2014


On my way to work this morning, I caught the end of this song on the radio. I quickly searched it on youtube and played it from the beginning & literally was almost in tears. I don't believe it was a coincidence I heard this song this morning at all. It spoke directly to me. It also gave me hope and inspiration. I hope it does the same for you.

Jun 3, 2014


I ran across this post on Instagram last tonight & it truly inspired me! It made me think about several different things but the main thing that stood out the most was "living the same day twice". We all experience difficulties in life right? Things rarely go as we plan or hope they will and most of the time we find ourselves faced with disappointment, pain, hurt, discomfort, etc.. 

This post is so inspiring because it causes you to question how long are you going to stay in that difficulty or unpleasant circumstance? Life has taught me the "Time Heals All" quote isn't that true. The more we cast our worries, pain, & thoughts on God, the more he will heal us and help us move past those difficulties we face in life. 
Life is Literally To Short To Live The Same Day Twice! 

Another thing this post made me think about was taking advantage of each day. Time may be the most valuable thing we all have. We have 24 hrs in a day & once they're gone, we can never get them back. BNspired to make the most of everyday! Try different things, change up your daily routine & connect with strangers because LIFE IS LITERALLY TOO SHORT TO LIVE THE SAME DAY TWICE! 


May 29, 2014

Denzel Washington On Dreams & Goals

Ran across this video this morning and had to share!!
Denzel Had Me Super HYPE Watching This. 

"True Desire In The Heart For Anything Good, Is God's Proof To You Sent Beforehand To Indicate That It's Yours Already" 

"Dreams Without Goals, Remain Just Dreams, & Ultimately Fuel Disappointment"

"Goals On The Road To Achievement Can NOT Be Achieved Without Discipline & Consistency"

"Put Your Shoes Way Under Your Bed At Night So That In The Morning, You Have To Get Down On Your Knees To Find Them. While You're Down There, Thank God For Grace & Mercy & Understanding WE ALL Fall Short of The Glory" 

"If You Just Start Thinking Of All The Things You Got To Say Thank You For, That's A Day!

"We All Have That Unique Gift To Go Out & Touch People, To Affect People"

"Utilize That Gift, Treasure That Gift"

"You'll Never See A U-Haul Behind A Hurse!"

"It's Not How Much You Have, It's What You Do With What You Have"

May 28, 2014

Unspoken- "Who You Are"

I was heading to bible study yesterday and heard this song on the radio. It really inspired me.
Check It Out!
I know that look you're giving, 
Like you've got something to prove
'Cause I have walked for miles and miles
In that same pair of shoes

You refuse forgiveness 
Like it's something to be earned
Sometimes pain's the only way that we can learn

You can never fall too hard, 
So fast, so far 
That you can't get back
When you're lost

Where you are is never too late, 
So bad, so much 
That you can't change 
Who you are, ooo-oooh 
You can change who you are, ooo-oooh 

Maya Angelou

One of The Most Inspirational Women In The World, Maya Angelou
One of my dreams was to be able to meet you one day or at least hear you speak. One night, your wisdom, inspiration, & words literally kept me up into the wee hours of morning. You inspire me so much and I'm thankful your legacy will continue on forever. 
Rest In Peace

"I'm Just Trying To Be A Rainbow In Someone Else's Cloud"

May 20, 2014

Press Past The Mountain

Read this from Joel Osteen this morning and felt it was speaking right to me. I have a few mountains/disappointments I've been facing for awhile now. Although it's easier said than done to just move past them, with the right mentality as well as Faith in God, I know I can. I thank God for answering my prayers and speaking to me when I need to hear him. I hope this post can inspire you to move past your mountain or mountains you may be facing as well. 

The prayer at the end of this reads:
Father, thank You for Your grace and mercy on my life. Thank You for empowering me to overcome every obstacle and press past every mountain. I look to You to lead and guide me into victory in every area of my life in Jesus' name. Amen!
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Pastor AD Daily Inspiration

I was sitting at my desk yesterday morning when this text came through. It literally punched me dead in my gut! We all have pity parties right? I'm not ashamed to say I've been throwing one for myself the past couple weeks. I know it's time to let it go. With so much in store for my future, Pastor AD is 100% right... My time is to valuable to waste. BNspired to realize the same! If you haven't heard of Pastor AD (Adrian Davis) just google him. He's doing some great things in Huntsville, Al as well all over.  

May 19, 2014

How To Get Up Early

Came across this article this morning and decided to share. I'm not a morning person at all but 2 months ago, I decided to make a change and get up earlier. Some mornings it's still a struggle for me and I find myself "Snoozing" an extra 15 minuets or so. I'm glad I seen this post today. One thing is for sure, I need to start putting my alarm/phone across the room before I go to sleep lol. 
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May 15, 2014


Psalms 37:4! 
These past few days, 1 of my best friends & I have been talking about various things that have been on our hearts. She told me her older cousin always tell her that "God Will Give Her The Desires Of Her Heart" so of course she was telling me the same thing. I agreed with her but my main point to her was that it has to be something God desires for me as well. It has to be in his will for my life. Anyway I've been thinking a lot about that conversation. Today I seen someone post this verse on twitter and it really inspired me. This verse basically tells us exactly what we need to do. Take a high degree of pleasure in the Lord. I'm definitely inspired for the day. 


a high degree of pleasure or enjoyment; joy;

May 12, 2014

Mother's Day

I hope everyone enjoyed their Mother's Day weekend! I'm so GRATEFUL for my mom & all she has sacrificed for our family. I've learned so much from her & I definitely wouldn't be who I am today without her. 
I was watching ESPN this morning, seen this special tribute they did, & wanted to share a small part of it with you all. It really touched me! Click on the link below & start the video at 3:30secs. 

Daily Inspiration

Pastor AD Daily Messages Are Always Right On Time For Me! 

I'm Not Finished Yet~ Notes

Here Are Some Notes From Pastor Mike McClure Jr. at The Rock Church Here In Birmingham, Al. This word was right on time for me a couple weeks ago so I wanted to share it with you all! 
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Apr 15, 2014

Christon Gray - Arena

Ran across this song on Facebook and it blew me away. 
This is guy is super talented. Check Him Out

Apr 14, 2014

Instagram Inspiration

Was Scrolling on IG and had to screenshot this to share with you all. I was talking to someone the other day about prayer. One of her goals was to pray every night which I thought was a great goal to have. I told her prayer doesn't have to be deep or super long it just has to be real. When I seen this picture, it reminded me of that conversation. 
"Lord Guide My Feet Today.. Amen" 
Simple but Real. 

100! BNspired

Apr 10, 2014

God's Timing

Transparent Moment To Share With You All 
Past couple days, I've had a ton of things on my mind. I was sort of hit with a "reality check" over the weekend and it forced me to really take some time to reflect on my life. Prayer has helped me a ton through this process. I said a very special prayer last night about a few things and I woke up feeling really good this morning. I had a very anxious feeling as well. Ok so I pulled up to work, got out of my car, & started walking to my office like I normally do. As I was getting out of my car I seen my old strength and conditioning coach pulling up as well & I waved at him. Literally about 20 mins later, out of blue, he sent me this text. Maannn Talk about God. I love when he can speak to me in a way I know it's him. I've learned that sometimes he does this through other people and it's literally always RIGHT On Time! This is why I understand the saying "God's Timing Is Perfect". I'm so Thankful for people like Coach Rholing and others who just have a heart out to build somebody up or encourage someone like myself. You don't find to many people like that. Just wanted to share this with you all. BNspired

🎭Good Or Bad!


Little Things

Had a very VERY good devotion this morning. This verse is really special to me because it really is something I try to do every single day. Honestly it's one of the main reasons I wanted to be a coach. You'd be surprised how doing "little things'' make a "BIG difference" in all aspects of life but especially with people and relationships. 
BNspired to make it a daily habit to do something to encourage & build up someone else during your day. This could be something as small as smiling at someone, opening the door for someone, saying hey to someone, complimenting someone, etc. Small acts of kindness goes a long way. 

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Apr 9, 2014

Inspiration from Pastor AD

Sometimes you just need something to Speak to you.  Inspiration, Encouragement, Assurance, etc. I needed that tonight and I also knew you guys needed something as well. I haven't posted in a while and I apologize. I was looking through some old messages I received from Pastor Adrian Davis(look him up, twitter, facebook) and these 3 spoke directly to me tonight. Anybody out there feeling like me right now? A little stressed or under some pressure? I know things can get overwhelming at times but I also know that during these times I'm actually becoming stronger and wiser. I hope this Inspiration from AD Inspires you as it did myself. 