Jan 4, 2013

Endure Your Race!

My Devotion the other morning stated:
We all get frustrated and lose our drive for perseverance which ultimately affects our race. How is it that we lose our endurance? It's when we take our eyes off of Christ and start focusing on our own circumstances that we begin to slow down. When it comes to running, the key to keeping up endurance is PACING ourselves with Christ. 
Endurance: the ability or strength to continue or last, especially despite fatigue, stress, or other adverse conditions
I thought this hit right at home with me. I'm human just like you are. I do get discouraged & worry sometimes. I do get down on myself at times when things don't go as I planned they would, BUT & this is a Huge BUT; quickly conviction takes place because I'm reminded that everything happens according to God's plan & he only wants the best for me (Jeremiah 29:11).

 I think it's very important we remind ourselves of the Big picture when we do get caught up in our own circumstances, whatever they might be. The Big picture is that God wants us to Endure for him. He wants to see our faith in him grow especially when things aren't going well for us. The next time you find yourself struggling with something or just going through something tough, remind yourself of the Big Picture. Remember things could always be a lot worse than they really are. I challenge you just as I've done myself, to Endure Your Race! Keep God 1st! Grind For your Relationship with God. Endure now so you can reap his blessings later!

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