Jan 30, 2013

FastForward Experience

The 21 Day FastForward was a Great Experience for me! This was my first time fasting from anything for God and I'm So Glad I Did It. I've never prayed so much in my life lol. It definitely wasn't easy but it was well worth it.

 I decided to fast from social networks, rap & RnB music, sweets, as well as sodas or juice. I drunk nothing but water for the entire fast. The 1st week I also decided to fast from watching tv. This was pretty tough but it was the closest I ever been to God & his word. The last week I also decided to do the Daniel fast which is where you only can eat vegetables & fruit. This was definitely the hardest part of the fast. I wanted to give in sooo many times but I relied on prayer and it definitely worked.

 I did have a couple(2) slip ups during the fast but I'm just thankful that despite my shortcomings God still loves me and shows me his POWER daily. I was able to see God move not just in my life but in my family life as well! These are the prayers I prayed consistently on the Fast. I wanted to put them up just incase you might want to pray them yourselves. I'm Thankful Pastor A.D. inspired me through his teachings and word to do this because it has helped me grow even stronger in my faith. 

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